Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Who we are

The Directors

The Norton Radstock Regeneration Company Board of Directors brings a variety of skills and experience from many different walks of life.  Some of the Board Members gained useful experience working on regeneration projects through the Single Regeneration Budget and other Directors have been appointed to provide specialist skills such as business or financial management.  All the Directors contribute their time free of charge.   Representatives of Radstock Town Council and Bath & North East Somerset Council each have one place on the Board so that these Councils can be directly involved and informed about the Company’s activities.

Directors have a legal obligation under general law and are responsible to ensure that the affairs of the Company remain confidential and any relevant interests are declared to avoid conflicts of interest.

The appointment of Directors onto the Company is by nomination only as either a stakeholder or specialist skilled person.  The appointment is for a three year fixed term or longer if agreed by the Board.


Catherine Le Grice Mack – Chair

Councillor Chris Dando, Radstock Town Council – Vice Chair

Terry Taylor

Martin Jones

John Davies

Steve Bendle

Catherine Whybrow

Keith Harris

Councillor Nathan Hartley, B&NES Council