The Company is a not for profit/public interest organisation set up to manage the regeneration of the former railway land in the centre of Radstock.
The company applied for and received, funding from the Single Regeneration Budget (1998-2003), a one off award of government regeneration funding. At this time the company also received financial support from Bath and North East Somerset Council.
The initial financial help from these organisations allowed the company to buy the land in the centre of Radstock and to begin the lengthy process to ensure that the regeneration of Radstock is carefully considered and is to be of benefit to the local community.
The company also received funding from the South West Regional Development Agency (2002) to cover extensive costs of updating and enhancing a Masterplan for the site that took into account the views of the community, securing a development partner and submitting a planning application.
Any profit from the site will be put back into the company for other regeneration projects in the area.
The Company Vision
NRR’s vision is to provide a mechanism for the best possible redevelopment of the former railway land, working with the community and partners. To ensure this is achieved, the vision’s aims are to strengthen the heart of Radstock by:
· Establishing a sense of place
· Developing a broader economic base for the town
· Improving community infrastructure
· Catering for the whole community
· Developing the theme of environmental quality
· Promoting and developing sustainable living
NRR aims to contribute to Radstock being a culturally exciting town, including raising the profile of the town and surrounding area. NRR wishes to involve local people in decisions about the site’s future in order to enable them to feel proud of their town.
The Directors
The Norton Radstock Regeneration Company Board of Directors brings a variety of skills and experience from many different walks of life. Some of the Board Members gained useful experience working on regeneration projects through the Single Regeneration Budget and other Directors have been appointed to provide specialist skills such as business or financial management. All the Directors contribute their time free of charge. Representatives of Radstock Town Council and Bath & North East Somerset Council each have one place on the Board so that these Councils can be directly involved and informed about the Company’s activities.
Directors have a legal obligation under general law and are responsible to ensure that the affairs of the Company remain confidential and any relevant interests are declared to avoid conflicts of interest.
The appointment of Directors onto the Company is by nomination only as either a stakeholder or specialist skilled person. The appointment is for a three year fixed term or longer if agreed by the Board.
Catherine Le Grice Mack – Chair
Councillor Chris Dando, Radstock Town Council – Vice Chair
Terry Taylor
Martin Jones
John Davies
Steve Bendle
Catherine Whybrow
Keith Harris
Councillor Paul Crossley, B&NES Council