Friday, 1 February 2013

Updated planning application to be submitted

Changes made to the proposed road scheme by Bath and North East Somerset Council has resulted in the need for the planning application to be updated to reflect the changes. 

This updated planning application is anticipated to be submitted by B&NES Council in April 2013. The application, for outline planning consent, will include the detail of the road scheme and pave the way for reserved matters applications for the housing and town centre development.

The development will be carried out by NRR's partner, Linden Homes. Clive Wiltshire, Managing Director of Linden Homes South West, said: “Linden Homes welcomes being a part of the team delivering meaningful regeneration in the centre of Radstock. We have a proven track record of creating places that people want to live and work, and we are committed to delivering much needed new homes and jobs in the town. We will be looking to submit reserved matters consent for the first two phases of development once the outline planning consent is in place.”

Subject to the outline planning consent being secured, work on the road network upgrade would begin in Autumn 2013.

There will be an information event in Spring 2013 prior to the outline planning consent application being submitted.

B&NES full news release can be found here.
Council leader joins NRR board

The Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council, councillor Paul Crossley, has joined the NRR Board.

Welcoming this development as a sign of the Cabinet’s commitment to getting the regeneration of Radstock going Cate Le Grice-Mack, the chair of NRR, said: “Our development is an important part of the total approach to the restoration of Radstock as busy and positive place for people to live and work. While the road scheme will help to move traffic more easily, we will make sure that the 48% of our site earmarked for green space, walking, cycling will enable people to move more easily within the town. And just to reassure people - the railway will not be disconnected, and light rail is still an option for those who wish to see it happen.”

Friday, 13 January 2012

Bath and North East Somerset Council agrees Radstock road improvement scheme

On 11 January, the B&NES Council Cabinet unanimously agreed proposals to upgrade the road network, tackle traffic congestion and kick-start the local economy in Radstock.

The upgraded road system will help people move around the town better and pave the way for 210 new homes on the former Railway Land. New public space in the town will also be opened-up for people to shop in and enjoy, creating more than 40 new jobs and generating £1.6 million for the Somer Valley area.

People can still see the detail of the plan at:

What happens next?

The detailed design for the scheme will be completed by the end of January. Work will start on site by the end of March 2012.

A separate consultation will be required to implement the proposed HGV ban on the road link between Frome Road and The Street, and the 20 mph speed limit around the central network. A timescale will be announced by B&NES shortly.

NRR will be pressing B&NES to ensure that measures to address the potential loss of parking spaces in the Town are put in place.

We will also be seeking to work with B&NES to address longer term improvements to the transport infrastructure supporting Radstock, including exploring ways to ban heavy through traffic from our Town. 

Thursday, 1 December 2011

New road scheme proposed by B&NES

Bath and North East Somerset Council has proposed an amended road scheme for the centre of Radstock (pictured below):

Find out more about the proposals and participate in the consultation here:

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Council Deputy Leader joins NRR board

The Deputy Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council has become the newest appointee to the Norton Radstock Regeneration Company’s Board of Directors.

Cllr Nathan Hartley, who is also the B&NES Cabinet Member for Early Years, Children and Youth, joined the board last month.

The NRR Company is a not for profit, public interest organisation, set up to manage the regeneration of the former railway land in the centre of Radstock.

Nathan commented:

“I’m delighted to have been appointed as a new Director of this important regeneration project.

For many years, the Company has wanted only the very best for the area. That of improving community infrastructure, developing a broader economic base for Radstock, providing more local jobs, housing and building a town that will attract more visitors.

I agree with these aims wholeheartedly, and look forward to working with the other Directors to push the town’s regeneration forward, and achieving success in the very near future.”

Cllr Hartley has been a member of the Council since first being elected in May 2007. He has a strong interest in community development, making sure local people have access to high quality services, and that our towns and villages are places people feel proud to be a part of.

Cate Le Grice Mack, the Chairman of the Board, said of Nathan’s appointment:

"We welcome Cllr Hartley's appointment to the board, replacing former Cllr John Whittock who gave valuable service during the last three years.  Nathan's experience and links within the local communities will be of great value to NRR's project delivery.”

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Who we are

The Directors

The Norton Radstock Regeneration Company Board of Directors brings a variety of skills and experience from many different walks of life.  Some of the Board Members gained useful experience working on regeneration projects through the Single Regeneration Budget and other Directors have been appointed to provide specialist skills such as business or financial management.  All the Directors contribute their time free of charge.   Representatives of Radstock Town Council and Bath & North East Somerset Council each have one place on the Board so that these Councils can be directly involved and informed about the Company’s activities.

Directors have a legal obligation under general law and are responsible to ensure that the affairs of the Company remain confidential and any relevant interests are declared to avoid conflicts of interest.

The appointment of Directors onto the Company is by nomination only as either a stakeholder or specialist skilled person.  The appointment is for a three year fixed term or longer if agreed by the Board.


Catherine Le Grice Mack – Chair

Councillor Chris Dando, Radstock Town Council – Vice Chair

Terry Taylor

Martin Jones

John Davies

Steve Bendle

Catherine Whybrow

Keith Harris

Councillor Nathan Hartley, B&NES Council

Welcome to our website


Welcome to the Norton Radstock Regeneration Company website.

The Company is a not for profit, public interest organisation, set up to manage the regeneration of the former railway land in the centre of Radstock.

The Company received funding from the Single Regeneration Budget (1998 - 2003), a one off award of Government regeneration funding. At this time the Company also received financial support from Bath and North East Somerset Council.

The initial financial help from these organisations allowed the Company to buy the land in the centre of Radstock and to begin the lengthy process to ensure that the regeneration of Radstock is to be of benefit to the local community.

 The company also received funding from the South West Regional Development Agency (2002) to cover extensive costs of updating and enhancing a Masterplan for the site that took into account the views of the community, securing a development partner and submitting a planning application.

Any profit from the site will be put back into the company for other regeneration projects in the area. 

The Company Vision

NRR’s vision is to provide a mechanism for the best possible redevelopment, working with the community and partners. To ensure this is achieved, the vision’s aims are to strengthen the heart of Radstock by:

    • Establishing a sense of place
    • Developing a broader economic base for the town
    • Improving community infrastructure
    • Catering for the whole community
    • Developing the theme of environmental quality
    • Promoting and developing sustainable living

NRR aims to contribute to Radstock being a culturally exciting town, including raising the profile of the town and surrounding area.  NRR wishes to involve local people in decisions about the site’s future in order to enable them to feel proud of their town.