Friday, 1 February 2013

Updated planning application to be submitted

Changes made to the proposed road scheme by Bath and North East Somerset Council has resulted in the need for the planning application to be updated to reflect the changes. 

This updated planning application is anticipated to be submitted by B&NES Council in April 2013. The application, for outline planning consent, will include the detail of the road scheme and pave the way for reserved matters applications for the housing and town centre development.

The development will be carried out by NRR's partner, Linden Homes. Clive Wiltshire, Managing Director of Linden Homes South West, said: “Linden Homes welcomes being a part of the team delivering meaningful regeneration in the centre of Radstock. We have a proven track record of creating places that people want to live and work, and we are committed to delivering much needed new homes and jobs in the town. We will be looking to submit reserved matters consent for the first two phases of development once the outline planning consent is in place.”

Subject to the outline planning consent being secured, work on the road network upgrade would begin in Autumn 2013.

There will be an information event in Spring 2013 prior to the outline planning consent application being submitted.

B&NES full news release can be found here.
Council leader joins NRR board

The Leader of Bath and North East Somerset Council, councillor Paul Crossley, has joined the NRR Board.

Welcoming this development as a sign of the Cabinet’s commitment to getting the regeneration of Radstock going Cate Le Grice-Mack, the chair of NRR, said: “Our development is an important part of the total approach to the restoration of Radstock as busy and positive place for people to live and work. While the road scheme will help to move traffic more easily, we will make sure that the 48% of our site earmarked for green space, walking, cycling will enable people to move more easily within the town. And just to reassure people - the railway will not be disconnected, and light rail is still an option for those who wish to see it happen.”